Facebook Password Change, How to Change Password of Facebook
Facebook is largest Internet Online Communication Network in the world having millions of users across the world. The registered users can use this online platform to share their memories, picture and videos publicly and with their friends and families. The top question rises from the Facebook users that how to change Facebook account password. The questions might be as under also:
How do I reset my password on Facebook?
How can I change my password?
How do you change password on Facebook app?
How do you want to get the code to reset your password?
You can change your Facebook password in mentioned below method.
1.Login to your Facebook Account by entering your user name and password and then Go to >Settings (click on Settings)
Now Click on Security and logins from the left menu panel of Facebook
Choose the Change Password Option from their
Now Enter your Current Password in the first box and then enter your New Password in remaining both boxes.
After entering your your New password Click on Save Changes
Your Password has been changed successfully
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Facebook password change code
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