5 Criteria For Assessing a Damaged Lawn

Damaged Lawn, Refurracing, Alternatives to Turf, Brown Lawn, Lawn Under Trees, Fungus, Draconian Measurements,
A damaged lawn can be treated with a healthy dose of tenderness, love and care. Here's how to assess damage to a lawn and how to repair it.

Turf maintenance
Among the reasons for not installing grass is maintenance: to look good and satisfy you, a lawn must be cut, fed and watered regularly.  If a lawn needs to be watered daily, this is a clue that you might try something else there, such as a terrace or a small fountain.

Refurracing everything?
Many professional landscapers assess the quality of a lawn using the simple half-and-half method: when more than half of a lawn is covered with weeds, invasive plants, dead parts or other problems, it is generally less complicated to resurface completely than to attempt part-time repairs.

Alternatives to turf
It may be easier to use a ground cover, especially if your land has a steep slope or large areas of shade. The ground cover does not need to be cut or fertilized regularly and, once established, requires less sun than quality grass.

A brown lawn
Brown spots can be caused by overzealous mowing of grass rather than lack of water. Be careful not to remove more than a third of the height during a cut.

A lawn under the trees
Under the foliage, the grass may suffer from a fungus caused by excess shade and lack of air circulation. Before moving on to draconian measurements, prune the bottom branches and see if there are any improvements.


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