6 Diseases Your Hands Can Predict, Hand Diseases Treatment
From the length of your fingers to your grip strength to your fingerprints, your hands can indicate if you are at risk of certain diseases.
1. Finger length may reveal signs of arthritis
Women with an annular longer than the index finger, a typically male trait, are twice as likely to suffer from knee arthritis, according to a study published in the scientific journal Arthritis - Rheumatology. A low level of estrogen in the body could be the cause. This same physical trait has been associated with a better propensity for sports for both sexes. In men, a longer-than-normal ring finger is associated with a greater ability to have children. On the other hand, men with long ring fingers are more likely to develop prostate cancer.
2. Trembling hands may be signs of Parkinson's disease
Having trembling hands can mean something quite mundane, such as too much caffeine intake or a side effect of some asthma medications or antidepressants. However, it is recommended that you consult your doctor immediately if your hands are shaking often. One-handed tremor could be the first symptom of Parkinson's disease, or indicate essential tremor, a physical condition causing uncontrollable tremors that can be treated with therapy and medication.
3. The color of nails can hide liver disease
When Indian researchers studied 100 patients with chronic liver disease, they found that 36% of the candidates had half-white and half-color nails (the bottom of the nail is white and the top is brown). This condition of the nail could be caused by an increase in the concentration of certain hormones as well as chronic anemia, two traits typical of liver disease. See your doctor immediately if you notice having "half and half" nails or vertical and dark streaks at the base of the nail. This could be a sign of melanoma, a kind of skin cancer.
4. The gripping strength and state of your heart's health
A lack of grip strength in your hands may indicate a higher risk of stroke. This is revealed by a study published in the English scientific journal The Lancet and conducted among 140,000 adults in 17 countries. The gripping force would even be a better indicator of death than blood pressure. Researchers say gripping strength is a marker of strength of muscles throughout the body and its health. They recommend comprehensive training to increase the physical strength of the whole body as well as aerobic exercises to reduce the risk of heart disease. Take the opportunity to discover the truth about these 7 misconceptions about heart disease.
5. Sweaty hands may reveal signs of hyperhidrosis
Sweaty hands can be linked to menopause or thyroid problems (by the way, do you know these 13 silent signs of a thyroid problem?), but also to hyperhidrosis. The sweat glands are then too active, causing more perspiration than necessary. Most people with this condition sweat only from one part of the body or two. These include the armpits, palms and feet. A doctor may then prescribe a strong antiperspirator to decrease sweat production.
6. Fingerprints and high blood pressure
British researchers studied 139 fingerprints. Patients with a spiral pattern in the fingerprint of one or more of their fingers had one thing in common. The latter seemed more conducive to having higher blood pressure than those with an arch or loop pattern: the more spiral patterns on the participant on the fingers, the higher the risk of high blood pressure. Spirals at the fingertips are a marker of fetal development problems during certain stages of pregnancy, which can affect blood pressure later in life.
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1. Finger length may reveal signs of arthritis
Women with an annular longer than the index finger, a typically male trait, are twice as likely to suffer from knee arthritis, according to a study published in the scientific journal Arthritis - Rheumatology. A low level of estrogen in the body could be the cause. This same physical trait has been associated with a better propensity for sports for both sexes. In men, a longer-than-normal ring finger is associated with a greater ability to have children. On the other hand, men with long ring fingers are more likely to develop prostate cancer.
2. Trembling hands may be signs of Parkinson's disease
Having trembling hands can mean something quite mundane, such as too much caffeine intake or a side effect of some asthma medications or antidepressants. However, it is recommended that you consult your doctor immediately if your hands are shaking often. One-handed tremor could be the first symptom of Parkinson's disease, or indicate essential tremor, a physical condition causing uncontrollable tremors that can be treated with therapy and medication.
3. The color of nails can hide liver disease
When Indian researchers studied 100 patients with chronic liver disease, they found that 36% of the candidates had half-white and half-color nails (the bottom of the nail is white and the top is brown). This condition of the nail could be caused by an increase in the concentration of certain hormones as well as chronic anemia, two traits typical of liver disease. See your doctor immediately if you notice having "half and half" nails or vertical and dark streaks at the base of the nail. This could be a sign of melanoma, a kind of skin cancer.
4. The gripping strength and state of your heart's health
A lack of grip strength in your hands may indicate a higher risk of stroke. This is revealed by a study published in the English scientific journal The Lancet and conducted among 140,000 adults in 17 countries. The gripping force would even be a better indicator of death than blood pressure. Researchers say gripping strength is a marker of strength of muscles throughout the body and its health. They recommend comprehensive training to increase the physical strength of the whole body as well as aerobic exercises to reduce the risk of heart disease. Take the opportunity to discover the truth about these 7 misconceptions about heart disease.
5. Sweaty hands may reveal signs of hyperhidrosis
Sweaty hands can be linked to menopause or thyroid problems (by the way, do you know these 13 silent signs of a thyroid problem?), but also to hyperhidrosis. The sweat glands are then too active, causing more perspiration than necessary. Most people with this condition sweat only from one part of the body or two. These include the armpits, palms and feet. A doctor may then prescribe a strong antiperspirator to decrease sweat production.
6. Fingerprints and high blood pressure
British researchers studied 139 fingerprints. Patients with a spiral pattern in the fingerprint of one or more of their fingers had one thing in common. The latter seemed more conducive to having higher blood pressure than those with an arch or loop pattern: the more spiral patterns on the participant on the fingers, the higher the risk of high blood pressure. Spirals at the fingertips are a marker of fetal development problems during certain stages of pregnancy, which can affect blood pressure later in life.
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