How To Protect Yourself From Heatwave? Protect Yourself From Summer Heat?

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Summer has just begun and many parts of the country, including Karachi, have been engulfed in scorching heat and the hot summer months of June and July are yet to come. The harmful effects of heat can be avoided by adopting a few positive habits to avoid and counteract the heat.

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To prevent dehydration, drowsiness, heatstroke and heatstroke during the summer season this year, it is important to know what a heatwave is and how it affects humans.

What is a heatwave?

When a region, city or country records a temperature much higher than the average or normal temperature due to climate change, this state of the weather is called a heat wave. We can say, this heat wave can last from one day to many days and weeks.

According to the Meteorological Department, the temperature is likely to be several degrees higher than the average temperature this year.

Health effects of heatwave

Heatwave is a condition in which the condition worsens due to the intensity of heat and dehydration.

Symptoms of heatstroke

It is important for the affected person and rescue service personnel to be aware of the symptoms of heatstroke in order to avoid loss of life. The symptoms of heatstroke are as follows:

Shortness of breath, palpitations and shortness of breath, persistent sweating, nausea, vomiting, seizures, severe headache, dehydration, skin Getting hot and red


According to medical experts, increase water consumption during the summer season, drink ORS and lemon water to make up for the lack of salt in the body.

Water keeps your body temperature normal, so drink plenty of water on hot days.

According to medical experts, drink 6 to 7 liters of water a day while avoiding going out in the sun from 11 am to 4 pm.

When the condition is not noticeable, take a shower immediately, turn the fan towards you to lower your body temperature.

In extreme temperatures 106C-108C, apply ice cubes to your neck, armpits, knees and back.

Fever caused by heatstroke is not cured by medicine, so do not treat yourself.

If symptoms do not go away, go to the hospital immediately.

Precautions to take before a heatwave:

If you have to go out during the day, avoid sitting in a closed car for a long time, never leave children or animals in the car, this process can be fatal for them.

Avoid going out on hot days as much as possible.

Try to get out before sunrise or in the evening.

Use sunscreen, sunglasses and a cap when going out.

The more protected you are from direct sunlight, the better it is to cover your head and mouth with a damp cloth when you go out.


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