Chromecast! Digital Media Streaming Dongle Adapter by Google

Google Chromecast
Chromecast is a Digital Media Streaming Adapter developed and manufactured by Google for playing Audio and Video media files on HDTV with Wi-Fi connection as Input having 2.4 GHz. A user can use it with his High Definition Television with HDMI connectivity via Google Chrome Internet Browser with using it Netflix and Youtube.

The price of Google Chromecast in the United States is set only $35 from its releasing date of July 24, 2013 and is available only in the United States. Sometime Google Chromecast is called the Chromecast Dongle having Micro USB Port as Power Source. The Chip used for Chromecast System is Marvell DE3005-A1. The Dimensions of Google Chromecast is 72mm x 35mm x 12mm having weight of only 34 grams while measuring 2.83 inches.

The application of Google Chrome is supported for Google Play Music, YouTube, Netflix, Google Play Movies and Television, Pandora,, HBO Go and Hulu. The Chromecast application is available for Android, iOS, Windows, OS X and Chrome OS as a browser extension using over Wi-Fi Networks. The basic operating system of Google Chromecast is Chrome OS used in some Chromebook developed by Google and Samsung Electronics.


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