See and Change Password of PTCL Wireless Router for DSL 2021

Now, if you want to see or change the Wifi Password, you have to enter the device’s address into your web browser’s address bar. The default Address of PTCL Model is, when you enter this address into the Address Bar of Browser, you prompted to the user name and password. This is provided by default by PTCL for connecting the device. The user name for PTCL DSL Device is “admin” and the password is also “admin”. After entering the user name and password, you will be prompted to the device’s main menu like shown in the picture. There is a Wireless Box having password in the box in dots-dots. At very next to the dots-dots, there is a very small tick box, simply tick the box and the password will be shown in left side in the place of dots-dots. You can also change the password for your Wireless DSL Connection of your choice.