Engadget, Top Technology Blog Showing Women Wear Dress Advertisements
Engadget, one of top technology web blog having million of daily visitors from worldwide for seeking latest news, review, guides, galleries, podcast, extend, videos and events across the technology world showing the women underwear dress advertisements from Soma with the headline of New Stunning Support for Life and Shapes. It is time to think that why a top technology news blog need to show the women and girls underwear cloths ads?
The experts saying about this strategy of Engadget's parent company for earning more revenue from Engadget blog from the visitors seeking for latest updates about technology gadgets because AOL thoughts that a visitor come here at Engadget will be also searching for women under garments. The Advertising experts also naming it the tricky ads for earning more profit for non-interested websites from the visitors.
The experts saying about this strategy of Engadget's parent company for earning more revenue from Engadget blog from the visitors seeking for latest updates about technology gadgets because AOL thoughts that a visitor come here at Engadget will be also searching for women under garments. The Advertising experts also naming it the tricky ads for earning more profit for non-interested websites from the visitors.