7 Things Nobody Told You About Good Habits For Healthy Life
Having a healthy life is not just eating well. It's not just sports. A healthy lifestyle is characterized by a balance at all points of view.
As I like to have a holistic view of the topics I address, "healthy living" is no exception. Indeed it is useless to have a segmented view of a subject because it does not allow to see the whole reality of it.
For example there is no point in focusing solely on seduction techniques to go looking for a girl. If you are shy, you have to consider the whole thing. We must look for why we consider ourselves shy, how to change this belief, how to gain self-esteem, how to grow his social circle, how to increase his charisma and, why not, the techniques of seduction. But they are only a tiny part of the equation. That is why I am going to focus today on presenting the 5 pillars, in my view, of a healthy life.
1. Power Supply
We start hard with the pillar which for me is the most important (and you will find out why): the food! Especially that you can quickly do anything when you do not know what to eat. We can sleep extremely well, have quality relationships, do sports... If you eat junk food all day long, it's not going to do it, it's going to destroy our health and energy. It will be very difficult otherwise to have a proper physical hygiene!
Would that come to the idea of putting olive oil in your car to ride? Of course not! So why do you put sodas and hamburgers in your body? This will foul and prevent it from working properly! Let us keep in mind that according to our way of feeding and our internal dialogue, we send a very strong message to our unconscious. When you consume junk food, the message sent to our unconscious is as follows: "I don't care about my health, I mistreat my body."
Conversely, if we opt for a healthy diet, we send the following message to our unconscious: "I take care of my body and my health, I love myself." That's why the only change in our diet also allows us to gain self-esteem. We cannot hope to have a healthy life without changing our diet. Let's take a closer look at the people who have succeeded in this world in different fields: whether it be Arnold Schwarzenegger, Novak Djokovic or the Obama, to name but 3, they are taking very good care of their way of life and especially their diet (as well as of physical activity, we will return to it).
When you adopt a healthy diet, you bring a maximum of essential micronutrients to our body that it needs to function. If we build an IKEA furniture, it is better to have all the pieces to mount the furniture, and it is the same with our body! So what do we change in our diet? Concretely, if we follow the paleo model (which I consider most suitable for a majority of people), we change the following things: Removal of industrial products: prepared dishes, low-end restaurants, fries, processed products (with list of ingredients with extension), biscuits, fast food,...
Dairy product Suppression: UHT milk, crème fraiche, white cheese... Except, if desired and tolerated, the cheeses and butter (raw milk) of animals fed to the grass, preferably by selecting rather goat and sheep rather than cow.
Removal of cereal products: bread, pasta, buns, bread, wheat-based, barley, rye, spelled... Except, if desired and tolerated, basmati rice (or Camargue rice), oats, quinoa. Note: buckwheat is not a cereal and can therefore be consumed since it does not have the disadvantages of cereals.
Elimination of pulses, especially soybeans, unless it is fermented soy (which can then be eaten for its benefits): tempeh, miso soup, Tamari...
These are roughly the changes that can be made to strive towards an "ideal" (which I put in quotation marks because there is no universal ideal, each has different needs). In any case, removing these products and concentrating on fresh, raw, seasonal and organic quality products is necessarily a good solution.When I talk about raw products, it is in particular vegetables, fruits, algae, herbs, fish, meat and eggs, oilseeds, adding if desired, vegetable oils, cocoa, spices... that can be a little transformed. In short, I encourage you to consume as much as possible all that is crude, not transformed by man.
2. Physical Activity
The second pillar, not least, is physical activity. It's obvious, and yet the rate of sedentary lifestyle is huge. In the world, 3.2 million deaths per year are attributed to sedentary lifestyle. With the explosive junk food and sedentary cocktail, we are witnessing a meteoric rise in obesity and all the ensuing problems.If you are on this site, you are already interested in your health and it deserves to be underlined, so Bravo! Now, if you're not doing sports, you're going to have to think about it, and no time excuses.
Everyone has time to take 10 minutes to make skipping rope or any frat work (running, kettlebell,...) I want to tell you that if you think you do not have time to do sports, it is that it is in changing something in your life and reviewing your priorities. What for? Because there are so many advantages to doing physical activity that it will save you time: energy gain, motivation gain, better self confidence, better health therefore less disease... If you're smart, you understand what I'm getting at.
If you lack time to take care of your health, here are several possibilities: throw your TV, sort in your life (relationships, objects,...), get up earlier, learn how to manage your time, delegate tasks, delete tasks. If you are not able to clear two hours a day, you are in bad faith. Do not be afraid to see some people of your Entourage, the human being is in perpetual evolution and it is absolutely NORMAL to change the environment little by little, especially when one is in a progression approach like a large part of readers of this site.
I also conceive of sport in the paleo vision I was talking about for food. What is the paleo sport? For me it's just using his body the way it's designed! That is to say to be extremely versatile: run, jump, swim, push, shoot, fall, climb, hang (by the hands!), Crouch, crawl... If you do all this, you do everything for which your body is physically programmed, so you significantly reduce the risk of having back pain or developing health problems. The back pain is the prerogative of the modern man who remains the butt screwed on a Chair for 8 hours.
3. Healthy Social rRlationships
It is well known that social relations are very important in our lives. What is less known is that it is also essential to be healthy. A study over several decades has recently shown that social relationships are the # 1 factor in happiness in a person's life. Inevitably, if we have conflicting relationships in our family, with our relatives, it is normal that we have a much lower morale than if we have quality relationships. This affects, as I said, health as well.
Having toxic relationships with people who poison us stimulates the cortisol, the stress hormone, which causes fat storage, permanent stress condition, insomnia... Excess cortisol is a real poison and it is the element that characterizes our modern lifestyle of stressed. This is the reason why I chose to have a paleo lifestyle, a lifestyle completely different from the average people (since the average people are overweight and poor health). It is important to sort through our relationships, because as a human being, we are evolving and it is quite normal that most of our dating changes by advancing in age. The people we were hanging out with in adolescence do not necessarily correspond to our way of thinking today.
Nor do I say that you have to cut off all the people who do not think like you, but keep in mind that it is useless to maintain relationships with people with whom you have nothing in common and with the key a toxic relationship that does not APPO you ten nothing fulfilling! Then sorting is not the only thing to do. The relationships you have with people are like a wood fire: it must be maintained to prevent it from turning off. It is therefore essential to bring logs in all your relationships to maintain your network, including the people you know little!
The power of your network depends on the people you know little, you need to sympathize more and more with these people and take their news. Expand active listening: listen more than you speak. Be really interested in what your interlocutor tells you. Do not seek to answer to speak of you, to outbid or be right, it is the prerogative of the proud, of those who want to show that they have the.
4. The Nature
One tends to underestimate the nature, which can be considered as a vitamin so much it is important. Nature is our natural environment, and not understanding it ensures to endanger its health in the long run. It's like sports or food: a paleo diet and a suitable sport are not good for health in itself, it's junk food and sedentary lifestyle that are extremely bad for us. What difference does it make?
In practice, there is no difference, but I distinguish for the understanding of the thing. A human works normally with these 7 pillars that I present in this article. A suitable diet makes us work properly, it's the same thing for physical activity and nature. It is as soon as we no longer fulfill these vital needs for the body that problems happen. So that's why I say it's not "good" in itself, it's simply that it's the normal functioning of the human being to live like this.In fact, nature has a lot of benefits in our stressed and polluted world: it helps to reduce our stress and anxiety, it improves creativity, attention and productivity, it is excellent for eye health, for lung health, mental health and health in General. Exposing yourself to nature on a regular basis is a great way to increase our longevity.
To do this, there are many possibilities: I invite you to go more often near a Lake, a beach, a forest, the countryside... If you live in a big city, there is a great chance that there will be parks: go there regularly to take the time to decompress, to read, to meditate, to listen to audio or just to walk with all the senses awake. Take a detour to work, avoid the subway or the car and go through a green corner even to lengthen your transport time. Make yourself weekends in nature, in a place far from civilization, in the mountains, in the countryside, in the forest, in the Savannah, in the Amazonian jungle... There is only the embarrassment of choice! Also take the time to lie away from a city and observe a beautiful summer sky clear with the multitude of stars and the milky way, it is extremely soothing and it reconnects to our deep nature.
5. The Game
The game, pillar of a healthy life? At this point you have to say "OK Fabien, nature it passes, but here play, you give a damn about us?!" Well, absolutely not! Gambling is an extremely important pillar of healthy living. What for? Because we live in a society of serious people, serious all the time, blasés, boring, gloomy, boring, a society so taboo that everything is taboo: laughing for no reason, making faces, running around... If you do one of these behaviors, you are cataloged as crazy and you are sent the direct psychiatrist to prescribe some medications in order to calm you and make money at Big Pharma.
I insist, gambling is really an essential pillar of healthy living. I am talking about playing in its entirety, in the broadest sense, that is to say the fact of seeing life as a game, because in any case, life is only that: a game. As the quotation says:
"Do not take life seriously, anyway you will not come out alive." Bernard Fontenelle
For me, to see life as a game, is to use humor by making jokes, Pun, it's singing in the shower, it's making the clown, making faces in the mirror, meowing, jumping everywhere, screaming and even laughing for no reason. Dr. Christian Tal Schaller speaks of "sweet madness" for this kind of behaviour, that is, controlled madness that does not cause harm to oneself or others and that does good to all points of view. All the behaviors described above allow you to release the buried emotions (so unreleased) that remain in your body and that rots it from the inside (as if you never leave the garbage cans).
And an emotion that one does not go out, repeated every day for 40 years, it is a cancer in the key or other major health problem (infarction, stroke...). Unexpressed emotions are extremely damaging to health, they can cut the voice, give a ball to the belly, lose the hair, have psoriasis outbreaks... And that's just in the short term. In the long term, there is a very high risk of a serious illness. For me, the importance of emotions is even stronger than diet on health. So be serious when you have to, but in private or with friends who see life the same way you do, let go! Check out the Parisian Metro, you will see the number of people jated by life that give the impression of going to the slaughterhouse. Do you really want to look like this? Is it sexy to face and always be serious?
An alpha man knows how to make a mockery of life, just see Arnold Schwarzenegger to understand what it is all about! Nor do I say to behave as a "moron" all the time, to make the child and to be capricious, that is not my speech. Simply, I want to open your eyes to the fact that modern society enslaves us by putting physical and mental barriers, from the blow fewer and fewer people make the habit of smiling to people on the street, making faces alone , jumping everywhere, dancing or laughing for no reason.
To all those people who take their lives too seriously, I want to tell them, "what are you doing? Go and see a comic film! It is no more expensive to see life on the good side, to see life as a game without taking the lead. And at the key, there is a radiant health, because to expel his emotions by faces, noises of animals or cries is extremely effective! Oh, really. On the other hand, not to do in public as I said, unless you want to end up in the asylum. We live in a society where it is forbidden for an adult to have fun, to make the child.
Children are so reprimanded that they calm down very quickly by advancing in age and end up jaded as 97% of their peers. So, which way do you want to be?
6. Minimalism
Minimalism is a pillar that I really love, it's a revolution when you start to apply it in your life. Minimalism is not new, it is practiced for example by Buddhists for a long time. Minimalism is the art of voluntary simplicity, meaning "less is more." It is to simplify your life and you get a lot of benefits to live like that. Minimalism can be practiced in all areas of life. You can start sorting at home by throwing or giving away all the objects that have not served us for a while, dragging and taking the dust, which are double or triple.
In the West we have far too many material possessions, as if to barricade ourselves with all these objects giving us an illusion of security to protect us from the politics of fear induced by the Government and the media. But it is a false illusion of security, and the accumulation of material goods only makes us slaves to them. Have you ever noticed how much people attach to their material objects?
A few months ago, I barely touched a car whose result was a tiny scratch on the bumper barely visible to the naked eye. The driver wanted to make a statement and rotten himself his evening by reclaiming this story. I could have also been upset or sad, but seriously, this is a car, a simple vehicle that allows me to go from point a to point B. I have other things to do in my life than to make me because there is a scratch on the object I drive!
This simple story helps to understand how much people attach to their objects and think that it will make them happy to have ever more. Accumulating ever more material goods does not make it happier, I even think it is the opposite. With few possessions we feel so much freer and so much more flexible! It is in this context that minimalism makes sense.
Minimalism also concerns food: there is no need to have 5 stoves, 5 pots and cupboards full to crack.
We are in a period of abundance, certainly, but it is useless to make provisions for 6 months or to have equipment to serve 20 people, it will never happen or almost.
Make life easier, clean up. If I talk about it in an article related to healthy living, it is because minimalism actually makes it possible to have a lighter heart and to live much less stress. Practicing minimalism is making the choice to buy less things but better quality things (clothes, appliances, food...) It is also preferable to books on TV, to be satisfied with the simple pleasures of life: to read a good book, to look at the stars, to bathe, to watch a sunset, to take a stroll in nature, to enjoy a social interaction...
You will understand, this can concern all areas of your life: possessions, relationships, information, food, cosmetics. A little parenthesis on cosmetic products: rather than buying dozens of creams, shower gels, deodorants... Do it yourself! It's easy, fast, cheap, more efficient, you master the composition, you have this satisfaction of having done it yourself and especially you have much less products. Now ask yourself the question: "what is the smallest action I can do that will simplify my life to the fullest?" This can be: give your TV, throw a whole bunch of possessions, watch the phone only in the evening, empty the cupboards from the kitchen and the fridge. Tell me in comment what you decide to do!
7. Well Sleep
The last pillar of a healthy life is the unfortunate sleep. Why unhappy? Because it is flouted in our modern society. He is not at all respected! We sleep too late, with a permanent exposure to strong light in the evening, we put a shrill alarm clock in the wrong hours... No wonder most people are vivoting like zombies when they're flouing what's supposed to get them back on their feet!
Take care of your sleep: identify your sleep cycles, use blue light filters on your computer and phone (f. Lux application), stop the screens 2 hours before sleeping, wake up to the schedules that are consistent for you and you will an Olympic form just by doing that. You don't necessarily need to sleep 8 hours, it's a myth. In general the sleep cycles last 90 min, therefore you can decide to sleep 6 hours, 7.30 or 9 hours. If you take NAPs after eating and you know how to manage your stress, emotions, sports and you eat light enough in the evening and away from bedtime, you will need much less sleep!
Invest in good bedding, sleep completely in the dark, meditate before sleeping and read a good book and let yourself be boarded by Morphée. You can optionally use sleep-type smart sleeping cycle applications. You now have in your possession a whole bunch of tips that will make a huge difference in your life if you put them in place. What are you going to put in place today? Tell me in comment because it interests me! By Fabien, modern hunter-gatherer.
As I like to have a holistic view of the topics I address, "healthy living" is no exception. Indeed it is useless to have a segmented view of a subject because it does not allow to see the whole reality of it.
For example there is no point in focusing solely on seduction techniques to go looking for a girl. If you are shy, you have to consider the whole thing. We must look for why we consider ourselves shy, how to change this belief, how to gain self-esteem, how to grow his social circle, how to increase his charisma and, why not, the techniques of seduction. But they are only a tiny part of the equation. That is why I am going to focus today on presenting the 5 pillars, in my view, of a healthy life.
1. Power Supply
We start hard with the pillar which for me is the most important (and you will find out why): the food! Especially that you can quickly do anything when you do not know what to eat. We can sleep extremely well, have quality relationships, do sports... If you eat junk food all day long, it's not going to do it, it's going to destroy our health and energy. It will be very difficult otherwise to have a proper physical hygiene!
Would that come to the idea of putting olive oil in your car to ride? Of course not! So why do you put sodas and hamburgers in your body? This will foul and prevent it from working properly! Let us keep in mind that according to our way of feeding and our internal dialogue, we send a very strong message to our unconscious. When you consume junk food, the message sent to our unconscious is as follows: "I don't care about my health, I mistreat my body."
Conversely, if we opt for a healthy diet, we send the following message to our unconscious: "I take care of my body and my health, I love myself." That's why the only change in our diet also allows us to gain self-esteem. We cannot hope to have a healthy life without changing our diet. Let's take a closer look at the people who have succeeded in this world in different fields: whether it be Arnold Schwarzenegger, Novak Djokovic or the Obama, to name but 3, they are taking very good care of their way of life and especially their diet (as well as of physical activity, we will return to it).
When you adopt a healthy diet, you bring a maximum of essential micronutrients to our body that it needs to function. If we build an IKEA furniture, it is better to have all the pieces to mount the furniture, and it is the same with our body! So what do we change in our diet? Concretely, if we follow the paleo model (which I consider most suitable for a majority of people), we change the following things: Removal of industrial products: prepared dishes, low-end restaurants, fries, processed products (with list of ingredients with extension), biscuits, fast food,...
Dairy product Suppression: UHT milk, crème fraiche, white cheese... Except, if desired and tolerated, the cheeses and butter (raw milk) of animals fed to the grass, preferably by selecting rather goat and sheep rather than cow.
Removal of cereal products: bread, pasta, buns, bread, wheat-based, barley, rye, spelled... Except, if desired and tolerated, basmati rice (or Camargue rice), oats, quinoa. Note: buckwheat is not a cereal and can therefore be consumed since it does not have the disadvantages of cereals.
Elimination of pulses, especially soybeans, unless it is fermented soy (which can then be eaten for its benefits): tempeh, miso soup, Tamari...
These are roughly the changes that can be made to strive towards an "ideal" (which I put in quotation marks because there is no universal ideal, each has different needs). In any case, removing these products and concentrating on fresh, raw, seasonal and organic quality products is necessarily a good solution.When I talk about raw products, it is in particular vegetables, fruits, algae, herbs, fish, meat and eggs, oilseeds, adding if desired, vegetable oils, cocoa, spices... that can be a little transformed. In short, I encourage you to consume as much as possible all that is crude, not transformed by man.
2. Physical Activity
The second pillar, not least, is physical activity. It's obvious, and yet the rate of sedentary lifestyle is huge. In the world, 3.2 million deaths per year are attributed to sedentary lifestyle. With the explosive junk food and sedentary cocktail, we are witnessing a meteoric rise in obesity and all the ensuing problems.If you are on this site, you are already interested in your health and it deserves to be underlined, so Bravo! Now, if you're not doing sports, you're going to have to think about it, and no time excuses.
Everyone has time to take 10 minutes to make skipping rope or any frat work (running, kettlebell,...) I want to tell you that if you think you do not have time to do sports, it is that it is in changing something in your life and reviewing your priorities. What for? Because there are so many advantages to doing physical activity that it will save you time: energy gain, motivation gain, better self confidence, better health therefore less disease... If you're smart, you understand what I'm getting at.
If you lack time to take care of your health, here are several possibilities: throw your TV, sort in your life (relationships, objects,...), get up earlier, learn how to manage your time, delegate tasks, delete tasks. If you are not able to clear two hours a day, you are in bad faith. Do not be afraid to see some people of your Entourage, the human being is in perpetual evolution and it is absolutely NORMAL to change the environment little by little, especially when one is in a progression approach like a large part of readers of this site.
I also conceive of sport in the paleo vision I was talking about for food. What is the paleo sport? For me it's just using his body the way it's designed! That is to say to be extremely versatile: run, jump, swim, push, shoot, fall, climb, hang (by the hands!), Crouch, crawl... If you do all this, you do everything for which your body is physically programmed, so you significantly reduce the risk of having back pain or developing health problems. The back pain is the prerogative of the modern man who remains the butt screwed on a Chair for 8 hours.
3. Healthy Social rRlationships
It is well known that social relations are very important in our lives. What is less known is that it is also essential to be healthy. A study over several decades has recently shown that social relationships are the # 1 factor in happiness in a person's life. Inevitably, if we have conflicting relationships in our family, with our relatives, it is normal that we have a much lower morale than if we have quality relationships. This affects, as I said, health as well.
Having toxic relationships with people who poison us stimulates the cortisol, the stress hormone, which causes fat storage, permanent stress condition, insomnia... Excess cortisol is a real poison and it is the element that characterizes our modern lifestyle of stressed. This is the reason why I chose to have a paleo lifestyle, a lifestyle completely different from the average people (since the average people are overweight and poor health). It is important to sort through our relationships, because as a human being, we are evolving and it is quite normal that most of our dating changes by advancing in age. The people we were hanging out with in adolescence do not necessarily correspond to our way of thinking today.
Nor do I say that you have to cut off all the people who do not think like you, but keep in mind that it is useless to maintain relationships with people with whom you have nothing in common and with the key a toxic relationship that does not APPO you ten nothing fulfilling! Then sorting is not the only thing to do. The relationships you have with people are like a wood fire: it must be maintained to prevent it from turning off. It is therefore essential to bring logs in all your relationships to maintain your network, including the people you know little!
The power of your network depends on the people you know little, you need to sympathize more and more with these people and take their news. Expand active listening: listen more than you speak. Be really interested in what your interlocutor tells you. Do not seek to answer to speak of you, to outbid or be right, it is the prerogative of the proud, of those who want to show that they have the.
4. The Nature
One tends to underestimate the nature, which can be considered as a vitamin so much it is important. Nature is our natural environment, and not understanding it ensures to endanger its health in the long run. It's like sports or food: a paleo diet and a suitable sport are not good for health in itself, it's junk food and sedentary lifestyle that are extremely bad for us. What difference does it make?
In practice, there is no difference, but I distinguish for the understanding of the thing. A human works normally with these 7 pillars that I present in this article. A suitable diet makes us work properly, it's the same thing for physical activity and nature. It is as soon as we no longer fulfill these vital needs for the body that problems happen. So that's why I say it's not "good" in itself, it's simply that it's the normal functioning of the human being to live like this.In fact, nature has a lot of benefits in our stressed and polluted world: it helps to reduce our stress and anxiety, it improves creativity, attention and productivity, it is excellent for eye health, for lung health, mental health and health in General. Exposing yourself to nature on a regular basis is a great way to increase our longevity.
To do this, there are many possibilities: I invite you to go more often near a Lake, a beach, a forest, the countryside... If you live in a big city, there is a great chance that there will be parks: go there regularly to take the time to decompress, to read, to meditate, to listen to audio or just to walk with all the senses awake. Take a detour to work, avoid the subway or the car and go through a green corner even to lengthen your transport time. Make yourself weekends in nature, in a place far from civilization, in the mountains, in the countryside, in the forest, in the Savannah, in the Amazonian jungle... There is only the embarrassment of choice! Also take the time to lie away from a city and observe a beautiful summer sky clear with the multitude of stars and the milky way, it is extremely soothing and it reconnects to our deep nature.
5. The Game
The game, pillar of a healthy life? At this point you have to say "OK Fabien, nature it passes, but here play, you give a damn about us?!" Well, absolutely not! Gambling is an extremely important pillar of healthy living. What for? Because we live in a society of serious people, serious all the time, blasés, boring, gloomy, boring, a society so taboo that everything is taboo: laughing for no reason, making faces, running around... If you do one of these behaviors, you are cataloged as crazy and you are sent the direct psychiatrist to prescribe some medications in order to calm you and make money at Big Pharma.
I insist, gambling is really an essential pillar of healthy living. I am talking about playing in its entirety, in the broadest sense, that is to say the fact of seeing life as a game, because in any case, life is only that: a game. As the quotation says:
"Do not take life seriously, anyway you will not come out alive." Bernard Fontenelle
For me, to see life as a game, is to use humor by making jokes, Pun, it's singing in the shower, it's making the clown, making faces in the mirror, meowing, jumping everywhere, screaming and even laughing for no reason. Dr. Christian Tal Schaller speaks of "sweet madness" for this kind of behaviour, that is, controlled madness that does not cause harm to oneself or others and that does good to all points of view. All the behaviors described above allow you to release the buried emotions (so unreleased) that remain in your body and that rots it from the inside (as if you never leave the garbage cans).
And an emotion that one does not go out, repeated every day for 40 years, it is a cancer in the key or other major health problem (infarction, stroke...). Unexpressed emotions are extremely damaging to health, they can cut the voice, give a ball to the belly, lose the hair, have psoriasis outbreaks... And that's just in the short term. In the long term, there is a very high risk of a serious illness. For me, the importance of emotions is even stronger than diet on health. So be serious when you have to, but in private or with friends who see life the same way you do, let go! Check out the Parisian Metro, you will see the number of people jated by life that give the impression of going to the slaughterhouse. Do you really want to look like this? Is it sexy to face and always be serious?
An alpha man knows how to make a mockery of life, just see Arnold Schwarzenegger to understand what it is all about! Nor do I say to behave as a "moron" all the time, to make the child and to be capricious, that is not my speech. Simply, I want to open your eyes to the fact that modern society enslaves us by putting physical and mental barriers, from the blow fewer and fewer people make the habit of smiling to people on the street, making faces alone , jumping everywhere, dancing or laughing for no reason.
To all those people who take their lives too seriously, I want to tell them, "what are you doing? Go and see a comic film! It is no more expensive to see life on the good side, to see life as a game without taking the lead. And at the key, there is a radiant health, because to expel his emotions by faces, noises of animals or cries is extremely effective! Oh, really. On the other hand, not to do in public as I said, unless you want to end up in the asylum. We live in a society where it is forbidden for an adult to have fun, to make the child.
Children are so reprimanded that they calm down very quickly by advancing in age and end up jaded as 97% of their peers. So, which way do you want to be?
6. Minimalism
Minimalism is a pillar that I really love, it's a revolution when you start to apply it in your life. Minimalism is not new, it is practiced for example by Buddhists for a long time. Minimalism is the art of voluntary simplicity, meaning "less is more." It is to simplify your life and you get a lot of benefits to live like that. Minimalism can be practiced in all areas of life. You can start sorting at home by throwing or giving away all the objects that have not served us for a while, dragging and taking the dust, which are double or triple.
In the West we have far too many material possessions, as if to barricade ourselves with all these objects giving us an illusion of security to protect us from the politics of fear induced by the Government and the media. But it is a false illusion of security, and the accumulation of material goods only makes us slaves to them. Have you ever noticed how much people attach to their material objects?
A few months ago, I barely touched a car whose result was a tiny scratch on the bumper barely visible to the naked eye. The driver wanted to make a statement and rotten himself his evening by reclaiming this story. I could have also been upset or sad, but seriously, this is a car, a simple vehicle that allows me to go from point a to point B. I have other things to do in my life than to make me because there is a scratch on the object I drive!
This simple story helps to understand how much people attach to their objects and think that it will make them happy to have ever more. Accumulating ever more material goods does not make it happier, I even think it is the opposite. With few possessions we feel so much freer and so much more flexible! It is in this context that minimalism makes sense.
Minimalism also concerns food: there is no need to have 5 stoves, 5 pots and cupboards full to crack.
We are in a period of abundance, certainly, but it is useless to make provisions for 6 months or to have equipment to serve 20 people, it will never happen or almost.
Make life easier, clean up. If I talk about it in an article related to healthy living, it is because minimalism actually makes it possible to have a lighter heart and to live much less stress. Practicing minimalism is making the choice to buy less things but better quality things (clothes, appliances, food...) It is also preferable to books on TV, to be satisfied with the simple pleasures of life: to read a good book, to look at the stars, to bathe, to watch a sunset, to take a stroll in nature, to enjoy a social interaction...
You will understand, this can concern all areas of your life: possessions, relationships, information, food, cosmetics. A little parenthesis on cosmetic products: rather than buying dozens of creams, shower gels, deodorants... Do it yourself! It's easy, fast, cheap, more efficient, you master the composition, you have this satisfaction of having done it yourself and especially you have much less products. Now ask yourself the question: "what is the smallest action I can do that will simplify my life to the fullest?" This can be: give your TV, throw a whole bunch of possessions, watch the phone only in the evening, empty the cupboards from the kitchen and the fridge. Tell me in comment what you decide to do!
7. Well Sleep
The last pillar of a healthy life is the unfortunate sleep. Why unhappy? Because it is flouted in our modern society. He is not at all respected! We sleep too late, with a permanent exposure to strong light in the evening, we put a shrill alarm clock in the wrong hours... No wonder most people are vivoting like zombies when they're flouing what's supposed to get them back on their feet!
Take care of your sleep: identify your sleep cycles, use blue light filters on your computer and phone (f. Lux application), stop the screens 2 hours before sleeping, wake up to the schedules that are consistent for you and you will an Olympic form just by doing that. You don't necessarily need to sleep 8 hours, it's a myth. In general the sleep cycles last 90 min, therefore you can decide to sleep 6 hours, 7.30 or 9 hours. If you take NAPs after eating and you know how to manage your stress, emotions, sports and you eat light enough in the evening and away from bedtime, you will need much less sleep!
Invest in good bedding, sleep completely in the dark, meditate before sleeping and read a good book and let yourself be boarded by Morphée. You can optionally use sleep-type smart sleeping cycle applications. You now have in your possession a whole bunch of tips that will make a huge difference in your life if you put them in place. What are you going to put in place today? Tell me in comment because it interests me! By Fabien, modern hunter-gatherer.