Food combinations: 7 combined food benefits
To make the most of the health benefits and virtues of food, try the 7 best food combinations.
1. The health benefits of food combinations: combine milk and bananas to promote calcium absorption
1. The health benefits of food combinations: combine milk and bananas to promote calcium absorption
Do you have stomach problems? Eat bananas. This yellow fruit is a good source of inulin, a fiber that contributes to the balance of "good" bacteria in the digestive system. Better yet, it facilitates the absorption of calcium – a nutrient essential to bone health. To enjoy the benefits of food combinations, eat your banana with foods rich in calcium such as milk, yogurt, cheese, broccoli and kale. Add one to your cereal Bowl with milk or prepare this delicious banana and Walnut smoothie.
2. Strawberries: peanut butter loveable
Vitamin E is good for the eyes and can help prevent macular degeneration, a cause of blindness. Learn more about the essential benefits of vitamin E. Vitamin C stimulates the powers of vitamin E and ensures that your body is able to assimilate it and derive maximum benefit from it. To enjoy the virtues of dietary combinations, combine vitamin C sources such as strawberries, citrus fruits and tomatoes, with a good source of vitamin E such as peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds – and Walnut butters.
3. Broccoli: excellent with mustard
Broccoli is rich in sulforaphane, a compound known for its anti-cancer virtues. Unfortunately, cooking destroys myrosinase, an enzyme that allows your organism to absorb sulforaphane. To replace myrosinase, combine broccoli with mustard or any other raw cruciferous, such as rocket. According to the British Journal of nutrition, the added myrosinase will help your body absorb more sulforaphane.
4. Coffee: drink it sweet
You're suking your coffee? Don't stop! If this dietary combination may seem surprising, a small study published in human psychopharmacology: clinical and experimental teaches us that drinking sweet coffee would make us more productive. When the subjects of this study consumed coffee and sugar simultaneously, some areas of the brain associated with attention were more active than when they drank their coffee without sugar. Tea drinkers: Add a tear of honey.
5. Apples: bite them with green tea
Food combinations are also sometimes perfect snacks. Combine your cup of tea with sliced fruit. Better yet, combine Apple and green tea. Research indicates that quercetin, a phytochemical also found in apples, berries and onions, and the catechin (of which green tea and red grapes abound) work together to prevent platelets from adhering to one another Other. Platelet agglomeration can cause blood clots and a heart attack. Prepare one of these Apple-based desserts and enjoy it with your green tea.
6. Onions: delicious with bread
Next time you're eating a whole wheat bagel, add a few slices of onion to your cream cheese. The onion and garlic contain sulphide, a compound that increases the assimilation of zinc, an indispensable nutrient to the immune system and wound healing, and whose whole wheat and pulses are very rich. Another easy, fast and delicious food combination? Hummus and garlic. Check out the list of the surprising benefits of onions on your health.
7. Marry carrots and avocados
You already know that beta-carotene allows you to have a younger looking skin and healthy eyes. However, you may not have known that your body needs fat to absorb it. And this is where the food combinations operate: eat foods rich in beta-carotene such as carrots, cantaloupe, kale and spinach with fatty foods such as avocado, walnuts, olive oil and almonds. A simple snack: carrots soaked in guacamole or hummus mounted in olive oil. Be sure to differentiate between good and bad fats.