Postpartum Depression and the Baby Blues, Postpartum Depression
Pregnancy and childbirth are unique experiences that generate many upheavals. In the first few days after childbirth, the mother has to adapt to the baby's arrival and to many other elements. Around the third day (sometimes before and up to 10 to 14 days later), a large number of women undergo symptoms suggesting emotional disregulation such as:
mood swings, such as alternating laughter and tears;
of impatience;
a sense of vulnerability or maternal incompetence.
These manifestations of hyperemotion are all that is most normal and there is no need to worry about it. They would be caused by hormonal changes and fatigue following childbirth. The intensity and duration of the symptoms vary from one mother to another; they can for example last a single day, or even a few days. Symptoms usually disappear in less than two weeks.
Tips for MOM:
Talk to your spouse, family, friend or medical staff about your emotions.
Ask for help with your care or those of the baby. Get help in all possible ways.
Sleep every time you get the chance.
Limit the number of visitors if it exhauses you or adds additional stress.
Enjoy skin-to-skin contact with your baby.
Be benevolent and tolerant towards yourself. Don't aim for perfection.
Surround yourself with one or more people with whom you feel confident and with whom you can be yourself. For example, ask your best friend to be at your side in these more difficult times.
Advice for the spouse, family or Entourage:
If you don't recognize the MOM temporarily, don't worry. The symptoms of baby blues are usually passengers. Take them with a grain of salt.
Show yourself gentle, patient and comforting.
Praise the mother; make positive reinforcement.
Don't tell him what to do and let her do his own experiments.
Make her laugh. Humour will put things back into perspective.
Give him your help and support.
Unlike the often light and transient baby blues, postpartum depression is a more severe and often longer-lasting medical condition. It can harm both the mother and the baby; that's why we have to take it seriously. Between 10 and 20% of women will experience more important symptoms in the year following childbirth. Unfortunately, postpartum depression can last several months and sometimes more than a year. Women who are affected may hesitate to ask for help as they experience shame, a sense of failure or guilt. On the other hand, some of them mistakenly believe that the symptoms they experience are normal and are explained by the fatigue caused by the arrival of the newborn.
If you suffer from postpartum depression, it is important that you get a diagnosis and that a treatment process is undertaken without delay. Here are some examples of symptoms that may suggest such a condition:
a sense of exhaustion or permanent discouragement;
extreme anxiety;
sleep difficulties
constant crying;
a feeling of devaluation or excessive guilt;
significant changes to your appetite
lack of interest in the usual activities
inability to take care of the baby or oneself
physical symptoms: headache, numbness, chest pain, hyperventilating, etc.
irritability or aggressiveness;
black or suicidal ideas.
These symptoms usually occur at least one month after childbirth and during the first year. If you notice one or more of these symptoms, do not delay to consult a doctor for your good and your child's.
There are several ways to counteract postpartum depression. Psychological assistance, support networks and the use of medicines (e.g. antidepressants) are all measures that can be put forward to help women struggling with this disease. A close medical follow-up is helping and almost always necessary.
If the doctor prescribes treatment with medications, talk to your pharmacist. The latter can listen to you and learn about all aspects of medication, including benefits, time to action, side effects and ways to remedy them.
Beyond medical care, caring for yourself and adopting a healthy lifestyle will help you get out of this more difficult time. Here are some tips in this regard:
Take the time to eat well.
Do not neglect your personal care: taking a bath or shower, dressing, makeup or styling help maintain morale and self-esteem.
Make outings to relax and change ideas, with or without the baby.
Learn to delegate: baby care, housework, daily management, etc.
Exercise regularly; opt for activities that you really like.
Accept that everything is not perfect.
Go for a massage or learn relaxation techniques.
If you have a postpartum depression, don't judge yourself. It is a disease like many others. On the contrary, trust that you will succeed in finding the resources to help you get through, and ask for help from your Entourage in this regard. Becoming a parent is an experience that wants to be rewarding and fulfilling, but it can be more difficult for some. Recognizing the symptoms of postpartum depression can quickly detect it and take steps to remedy the situation. This way you can finally enjoy the many joys that maternity reserves!
Pregnancy and childbirth are unique experiences that generate many upheavals. In the first few days after childbirth, the mother has to adapt to the baby's arrival and to many other elements. Around the third day (sometimes before and up to 10 to 14 days later), a large number of women undergo symptoms suggesting emotional disregulation such as:
mood swings, such as alternating laughter and tears;
of impatience;
a sense of vulnerability or maternal incompetence.
These manifestations of hyperemotion are all that is most normal and there is no need to worry about it. They would be caused by hormonal changes and fatigue following childbirth. The intensity and duration of the symptoms vary from one mother to another; they can for example last a single day, or even a few days. Symptoms usually disappear in less than two weeks.
Tips for MOM:
Talk to your spouse, family, friend or medical staff about your emotions.
Ask for help with your care or those of the baby. Get help in all possible ways.
Sleep every time you get the chance.
Limit the number of visitors if it exhauses you or adds additional stress.
Enjoy skin-to-skin contact with your baby.
Be benevolent and tolerant towards yourself. Don't aim for perfection.
Surround yourself with one or more people with whom you feel confident and with whom you can be yourself. For example, ask your best friend to be at your side in these more difficult times.
Advice for the spouse, family or Entourage:
If you don't recognize the MOM temporarily, don't worry. The symptoms of baby blues are usually passengers. Take them with a grain of salt.
Show yourself gentle, patient and comforting.
Praise the mother; make positive reinforcement.
Don't tell him what to do and let her do his own experiments.
Make her laugh. Humour will put things back into perspective.
Give him your help and support.
Unlike the often light and transient baby blues, postpartum depression is a more severe and often longer-lasting medical condition. It can harm both the mother and the baby; that's why we have to take it seriously. Between 10 and 20% of women will experience more important symptoms in the year following childbirth. Unfortunately, postpartum depression can last several months and sometimes more than a year. Women who are affected may hesitate to ask for help as they experience shame, a sense of failure or guilt. On the other hand, some of them mistakenly believe that the symptoms they experience are normal and are explained by the fatigue caused by the arrival of the newborn.
If you suffer from postpartum depression, it is important that you get a diagnosis and that a treatment process is undertaken without delay. Here are some examples of symptoms that may suggest such a condition:
a sense of exhaustion or permanent discouragement;
extreme anxiety;
sleep difficulties
constant crying;
a feeling of devaluation or excessive guilt;
significant changes to your appetite
lack of interest in the usual activities
inability to take care of the baby or oneself
physical symptoms: headache, numbness, chest pain, hyperventilating, etc.
irritability or aggressiveness;
black or suicidal ideas.
These symptoms usually occur at least one month after childbirth and during the first year. If you notice one or more of these symptoms, do not delay to consult a doctor for your good and your child's.
There are several ways to counteract postpartum depression. Psychological assistance, support networks and the use of medicines (e.g. antidepressants) are all measures that can be put forward to help women struggling with this disease. A close medical follow-up is helping and almost always necessary.
If the doctor prescribes treatment with medications, talk to your pharmacist. The latter can listen to you and learn about all aspects of medication, including benefits, time to action, side effects and ways to remedy them.
Beyond medical care, caring for yourself and adopting a healthy lifestyle will help you get out of this more difficult time. Here are some tips in this regard:
Take the time to eat well.
Do not neglect your personal care: taking a bath or shower, dressing, makeup or styling help maintain morale and self-esteem.
Make outings to relax and change ideas, with or without the baby.
Learn to delegate: baby care, housework, daily management, etc.
Exercise regularly; opt for activities that you really like.
Accept that everything is not perfect.
Go for a massage or learn relaxation techniques.
If you have a postpartum depression, don't judge yourself. It is a disease like many others. On the contrary, trust that you will succeed in finding the resources to help you get through, and ask for help from your Entourage in this regard. Becoming a parent is an experience that wants to be rewarding and fulfilling, but it can be more difficult for some. Recognizing the symptoms of postpartum depression can quickly detect it and take steps to remedy the situation. This way you can finally enjoy the many joys that maternity reserves!