How to Start Blog and Make Money Online for Free?

Blogger Wordpress
Blogging is become a profession now a day for publishing your thoughts and views with full control over its content. A person can start a blog with any topic, which he has interest. There are many free blog hosting companies offering drag and drop layout schemes and full control over CSS or HTML languages to change the original blog theme provided by the Blog Hosting Website.

There are Wordpress and most used websites for creating free blog, both offer great and variety of features to make it better with layout and other options for search engine optimizations. Wordpress has both versions for free and paid web hosting through Wordpress platform. Blogger is overall a free blog publishing website with option to monetize the content through Google Adsense.

Here we talk about Google’s for creating free blog. First of all, you must have an email ID. It is better to create a new one with Gmail account because that has better integration with all Google products like Google Plus, Google Adsense, Adwords, Blogger, and Webmaster Tools. Now go-to and signup for Blogger account by giving your email address. Now choose the Blog Title and Blog domain like and choose the theme for blog, Google now also offers dynamic style theme for Blog.

After this setup, you will be prompted to Blogger’s Dashboard and will see the variety of options in very simple style. Set-up the options you desired for make it better and start posting. If you will publish rich and original content, Google search will love your blog and increase your blog’s page rank.

Now, if you want to monetize your blog and finding the ways to earn money from your blog, Google is the easiest platform to do such by offering make money with Google Adsense for free by signing up for Adsense account. Google required some of your personal information regarding Adsense account and will allot you the Free Adsense Account if your blog qualified for that. After approval of account, you can setup ads from your Adsnese dashboard and start make money online for free lifetime.


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