How to Extend iPhone Battery Life using iOS 7

How to Extend iPhone Battery Life using iOS 7
Image Credit USAToday
The iOS 7 is the latest operating system by Apple introduced for Apple devices like iPhone, iPad, iPod and MAC devices with new interface and exciting features for iOS devices. If you keep on the various services of Apple during the device usage, you have to face the battery lose more quickly and need it recharge again and again for quick batter drainage, which also causes the iPhone 5S performance and will slow down often. Here in this article, you will learn that how to boost and extend the iPhone 5s batter life for more usage and standby mode. The most effective tip to increase the iPhone battery life is to dim the brightness of the iPhone display in iOS 7 in iPhone Brightness Settings because the high brightness will take more power of the battery than low and dim brightness. You can set iPhone Display Brightness Settings in the Control Center of iPhone.

The other battery saving tip for iPhone is to keep it on Airplane mode for less power consuming of the battery because it will turn off all the Wireless connections and also prevent iPhone to search the Wi-Fi signals in the coverage area. So it is great to save the iPhone battery timing by turning off the Wireless connections and the phone on Airplane mode will automatically turn off all the wireless connections and LTE with Cellular Data. Some hidden features are on positions by default in iPhone like iCloud, iTunes and App Store which always use the battery power and causes lose to battery timings which can be turned off in the Data Settings of iPhone 5s. You can also save the battery power of iPhone by switching off the AirDrop function which always use the file sharing, photo sharing and maps apps by default.
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Elizabeth J. Neal said…
The most effective tip to increase the iPhone battery life is to dim the brightness of the iPhone display in iOS 7 in iPhone Brightness Settings because the high brightness will take more power of the battery than low and dim brightness. You can set iPhone Display Brightness Settings in the Control Center of iPhone. 8x batteries

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