How to Write New Post in Blogger New Interface?

The Blogger is one of most popular free blog hosting service owned by Google , the Internet Giant who have the most of search market in the world of Internet. The Blogger is full of rich features with great interface with HTML supports. There are many interactive features like up to the date vistors stats, you can create different Pages in the Blogger hosted blog. There are many different layout templates in the Blogger for which the users can choose their own choice. Here we tell you about that how to write new post in the New Blogger Interface? First of all you have to click on the New Post above the Overview, Posts, Pages, Comments, Google+ and States button. After Clicking on the New Post, you will enter into the Post Editor like any Word Editor, which is full of features like Fonts, Font Style and other document formating features like Font Italic, Underline, Spelling Check, Insert Image, Insert Video in the Blogger Post, Text Allign, Numbers and Bullets like shown in the...